
Magento Gift card Free Connect Extension Download Nulled Rip

The Magento gift card expansion capabilities will help create the gift card, the customer can buy presents for their friends, for their own future use or preservation.
Create unlimited gift cards, different values ​​and prices
Offer gift cards, via e-mail or post office
Redeem Gift Card Gift Code to allow credit balance
Use gift code / gift card, credit card or payment discount code


More and more customers go online to find their friends and family the gift, rather than wandering the store to buy the best gift shop. Why not join this trend by creating a one-size-fits all gift vouchers? With this expansion, customers can buy gift cards to produce others, then the recipient can use them to purchase products in your store. This is a great idea to help you increase customer satisfaction.

Magento gift card

How does IT work


Create unlimited gift code extension allows you to create unlimited gift card (gift code), different values ​​to different values. Value can be set in the range of form or fixed number. Customers can choose to purchase a gift card value from the drop-down or a given price range fills a certain amount. In addition to online gift card products, you can add / import / gift code generation, downline customers and reward them. Customers buy gift cards using a template to generate gift code, and send it to a friend via e-mail or postal system allows customers to purchase gift cards presented to their friends. Gift cards can be sent through e-mail or post office. Customers can also buy gift cards for yourself. Gift card to send to a friend's home buyers, will look like this: Management gift card balances and gift code, in order to provide more payment options, allowing customers to use gift cards extend credit. Gift code holders may redeem gift code into their gift card credit balance and use of these credit payment orders. Customers with a gift code you can use them in your store to buy the products they want. Customers can manage their gift code, and in the "My Account" and check the status of each one.
Detailed features

For the customer
Gift cards have different values ​​for the customers to choose at their convenience.
Gift card buyers can arrange a specific date to send gift cards.
Customers can redeem their gift code, use the gift card as a credit balance of payment checkout.
Customers can track the status of their gift code.
Customers can quickly check and manage the gift card code. Then, they buy gift cards, the system will automatically be their gift card gift code.
Discount coupons or payment methods, customer check number can be used as gifts.
Gift cards are through e-mail or post office.
Multi delivery address, allowing customers to send gift cards, but to many people.
Automatically add customer lists, use the gift card at the checkout gift cards.
Allows the recipient to add gift cards by clicking on the link in the email to their list.
Customers can check the gift card information without having to log into the site.
For Administrators
Gift cards online sales of products.
Settings are displayed in a drop-down, fixed amount or scope of the infinite value of gift card products.
Gift Card number and product configuration code.
Administrators can import from a CSV file gift code, add, use patterns to return customers or offline using coupons, printed or generated gift code.
Automatically send e-mail to notify the recipient and customer gift card code.
Configuration gift card what is displayed on the product page.
Easy tracking and automatic updates certificate status.
Support for a step by step checkout method detection or steps.
Open source 100%
Check the key offline use RSA encryption (no third-party encryption)
Easy Installation and Configuration
User-friendly interface

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